Our procedure

Easy Family Law offers you and your family simple and transparent legal solutions. Our advice is based on your or your family's wishes and needs, after which we explain in a simple and understandable manner what is possible. Our lawyers have many years of experience advising on sensitive family and inheritance matters and take care of your specific wishes and needs. At the same time, they make you aware of any unforeseen scenarios you may have overlooked as unmarried or married individuals – with or without children. Our lawyers take care of your wishes and needs based on the initial discussion and tailor, for example, a will or a prenuptial agreement that you have to approve. Once we have collectively ensured that you, as a client, have peace of mind, you approve the solution we have presented to you.

How do we help you?

The counselling takes place on your terms at the most competitive prices in the market. We keep costs low by giving you the opportunity to choose the exact framework that gives you the most peace of mind and security before making a final decision. Our lawyers now offer advice over the phone or virtual Skype meetings, as well as a more traditional meeting with you at our office. As the only ones in the market, we also offer home visits by our lawyers, where you can receive advice and make a decision alone or together with your family in the safe environment of your own home. Easy Family Law therefore uniquely allows you to choose the exact solution that makes it easy for you and gives you peace of mind. As a client, you will experience that we prioritise your needs highest and that the customer experience is consistent and stable from start to finish.

More than 8,000 Brits secured and over 15,000 members

Have you or one of your loved ones also been considering getting your legal documents in order? Are you one of the many who know you'd like to have it sorted, but have never found the time to get it done?
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Danmark og Sverige


Our lawyers have many years of experience advising on sensitive family and inheritance matters, and take care of your specific wishes and needs.

Last Will and Testament

Whether you are married, in a cohabiting relationship, or single, and regardless of whether you have children, stepchildren, or no children, it benefits everyone to create a will.

Prenuptial Agreement

In the event of a divorce or death, you give away your assets. Gain peace of mind by creating a prenuptial agreement that contains your specific wishes for asset distribution in case of divorce or death.

Lasting Power of Attorney

What happens if you become ill and are unable to make decisions for yourself? Gain peace of mind by setting up a lasting power of attorney, so you can decide who should be able to make decisions on your behalf when misfortune strikes.

Safeguard your children

Your Last Will and Testament can specify guardianship and care plans for your minor children. This legally binding document ensures your wishes are respected after your passing.

Meet the team

Rizwan Ul Hassan
Group CEO


Timm Christian Mehrens
COO, European Director


Daniel Moretti
Investor & Partner

Flemming Rickfors
Chairman of the Board

Sofus Stenstrup Jensen
CCO - Chief Commercial Officer


Jan Mejlkjær
CMO - Marketing Director


Mathias Tønder
IT Manager

Contact us

Do you have questions about an ongoing case or one of our services? Fill out the contact form, give us a call, or send us an email directly.

Regardless, we look forward to hearing from you.


Audrey House, 16-20 Ely Pl,
London EC1N 6SN

Customer Service Opening Hours

Monday - friday: 10.00 - 15.00


70 30 55 70