
Our lawyers have many years of experience advising on sensitive family and inheritance matters, and take care of your specific wishes and needs.

Last Will and Testament

Whether you are married, in a cohabiting relationship, or single, and regardless of whether you have children, stepchildren, or no children, it benefits everyone to create a will.

Prenuptial Agreement

In the event of a divorce or death, you give away your assets. Gain peace of mind by creating a prenuptial agreement that contains your specific wishes for asset distribution in case of divorce or death.

Lasting Power of Attorney

What happens if you become ill and are unable to make decisions for yourself? Gain peace of mind by setting up a lasting power of attorney, so you can decide who should be able to make decisions on your behalf when misfortune strikes.

Safeguard your children

Your Last Will and Testament can specify guardianship and care plans for your minor children. This legally binding document ensures your wishes are respected after your passing.