Your journey as a member of Easy Family Law

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    You start your membership

    I forbindelse med enten et køb eller bare ønsket om at sikre dig selv og dine nærmeste bedst muligt, vælger du at blive medlem af Din Familiejurist

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    Access to the advantages

    Som medlem har du en lang række fordele - Rabat ved køb af vigtige dokumenter, gratis rådgivning, opdateringer på din situation og meget mere.

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    You protect your family

    Du har valgt at holde dig opdateret på lovgivning som måtte påvirke dig og dine nærmeste og at få lavet det eller de dokumenter som sikrer din familie bedst muligt.

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    We protect you

    Skulle der ske noget i din livssituation, i forbindelse med den danske lovgivning eller noget helt tredje, så har du sørget for at sikre dig og din familie bedst muligt.

Take advantage of the membership benefits

Free Legal Counseling

Get free advice on existing or new documents

You can always get free advice from our advisors regarding amendments or requests for new documents.

Full family check - every year!

Stay Comfortable About Your Family Situation

As a member of Easy Family Law, you have the opportunity to get a free annual family check-up. This way, you and your family are best protected.

Storage of your legal documents

Get your very own legal profile

You have access to your very own legal profile where you can securely store all your documents.

Get notified of legal changes

Be prepared when the law changes

In case of legal changes that affect your family situation, we will keep you informed. This way, you can be confident that you are always well-covered.

Quarterly Status on Your Situation

Stay Updated Continuously

Once every quarter, we run your profile through our system and ensure that everything is still as it should be. We'll send you the update via email so you know that everything is okay.

Review of Documents

If you have similar documents

If you have inheritance law-related documents that you have obtained elsewhere or simply wish to understand a specific paragraph, we provide assistance with a thorough review, free of charge.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to be a member of Easy Family Law?

As a member of Easy Family Law, you’ll enjoy several benefits:

  • A comprehensive family checkup every year.
  • Access to a user profile on our membership platform, where you can securely store all your legal documents.
  • Automatic notifications about legal changes that might affect your situation.
  • Quarterly updates on your and your family’s status, ensuring everything remains as it should.
  • Free reviews of existing documents to ensure they still align with your wishes.
  • Complimentary revisions of documents created through our services.

How do I become a member?

You can start your membership by clicking here:

Start membership

Alternatively, fill out the contact form on the right, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

What does it cost to be a member?

It costs £50 annually to be a member of Easy Family Law.

When you sign up, you provide your payment information.

14 days before the expiration of your free annual membership, we will send you a reminder that your membership will soon be automatically renewed.

If you wish to continue into the paid membership, you don’t need to do anything. If you want to cancel your membership, you can easily choose to unsubscribe via the reminder 14 days before, so your membership stops and you won’t be billed.

Get in touch

Would you like to be contacted by an advisor, free of charge? Then please fill out your name and phone number below, and we will contact you as soon as possible.